March 28, 2015

Kiehl’s Dehydration Analyzer Tool Urges That Extra Glass of Water

Parched? Now, at Kiehl’s stores, you’ll be able to determine just how dehydrated your skin actually is! This spring, the brand is introducing their newest skin care technology, the Kiehl’s Dehydration Analyzer Tool (DAT) to help measure your skin’s hydration levels.

Dry skin lacks oil, while dehydrated skin lacks water, meaning any skin type, normal, oily or dry can suffer from dehydration. This pen-like device employs bio-electric impedance technology to send an undetectable current through the surface layers of the skin, bouncing back to the device, measuring the water level in the skin by detecting the resistance to that current. The DAT is pressed gently to the cheekbone issuing a current — painless and completely undetectable — into the skin, which then bounces back to the device for the measurement.  Since water is an excellent conductor of electricity, the more hydrated the skin, the less resistance the current will have, so the faster the current comes back to the device, the more hydrated the skin.  A reading of 0-30% means skin is very dehydrated; 31%-50% means skin is somewhat dehydrated; and a reading of 51% and up means your skin is hydrated.

The DAT reading is quick, efficient and complimentary at Kiehl’s retail stores and department store counters. But the best part? Hydration levels can be read without any skincare preparation and over makeup, so you can swagger on over with a full face of foundation and still get an accurate reading! 

Check it out at your closest Kiehl’s store: kiehls.com/storelocator.
Other innovative ways to rehydrate:

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